Newsletter 41 – The State Government v Open Green Space
- Posted by IanMuttonAdmin
- On March 23, 2022
At present, cyclists wanting to cross the Harbour Bridge, like pedestrians, have to go up/down 55 steps.
Transport for NSW advocates building a linear ramp for cyclists between the bridge and Alfred Street – right through the middle of Bradfield Park.
What’s infuriating is Transport for NSW steadfastly refuses to consider the alternative concept plan put forward by community members – one that minimises the loss of parkland and visual impact.
The Institution of Engineers, Australia, an august body on any measure, said of Transport for NSW concept plans: one could say this would be like cutting a slash across the Mona Lisa
The Mona Lisa in this case is the Bridge and approaches (now nestled in Bradfield Park) – described at the bridge opening:
The Bridge (is) both architecturally and from a standpoint of engineering, holds pride of place amongst the arch bridges of the world.
The heritage value is immense and it is being put at risk by Transport for NSW.
The community’s concept plan for a ramp in Bradfield Park Central – see picture and concept plan that follows.
There’s a ray of hope.
Minister Stokes has instructed his Department that the final ramp must be consistent with four key Principles.
The Minister’s four stated Principles:
• The ramp should be safe and easily used by riders of all ages, genders, and abilities. Anyone who lives in or visits Sydney and wants to ride over the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge should be able to do so.
• Public open space is a primary consideration in the design of the ramp. Any impacts to public open space should be mitigated or offset through improvements to the local public domain.
• Design of the ramp must demonstrate design excellence through a rigorous competitive design process that incorporates comprehensive expert advice and allows for review and refinement.
• The national heritage significance of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and its curtilage must be a paramount consideration of the design process. The design of the ramp should not detract from the Sydney Harbour Bridge’s heritage significance.
The community concept plan recognises the heritage value and largely saves Bradfield Park – it satisfies the Minister’s four Principles.
The community’s concept plan
• provides a rideable cycle access to the Bridge cycleway,
• preserves the existing landscape and heritage values of Bradfield Park North and the SHB itself
Transport for NSW so far has exhibited no concern for the loss of Bradfield Park and open green space – think of:
• the damage to Cammeray golf caused by the building of the Western Harbour and Beaches’ tunnels;
• the State Government’s refusal to now make good on its promise to make the western foreshore of Berrys Bay open green space); and
• the State Government pulling back on approval for work on the Sydney Harbour High Line to start.
Sometimes I just despair at the state government we have.
Use every opportunity to let Minister Stokes and local member Felicity Wilson know that the Government’s attitude to open green space in North Sydney is not acceptable – won’t even be tolerated.
Minister stokes can be reached at
State Member Felicity Wilson can be reached at
Ian Mutton
Councillor, Cammeraygal Ward, North Sydney Council